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Custom Roles

Last updated: July, 18 2023

Roles are a set of permissions attached to a team or individual user. They dictate how much a user can view, create, update, and delete specific resources in a network workspace. Every network has basic roles that cannot be replaced, but you can create as many custom roles as you want to tailor your experience to the needs of the organization.

User permissions

The access a user has in your network depends on what permissions their roles give them and what access their teams give them.

Roles control what a user can do in a workspace or network.

Teams control where the user can exercise their permissions.

A team (or user) is assigned a role to control what permissions they have.

Create a new role

Create and manage roles from the Users & Teams page under the Roles tab:

Create a custom role

Give your new role a name and select the permissions you want any team or user with the role to have.

Please note: these permissions only apply in network workspaces the user has access to via a team or non-team membership. An explanation of the different permissions is listed below:

  • View items: See the resource title, descriptions, assignees, history, and status
  • Create new items: Add new resources to the workspace
  • Update items: Change attributes of a resource, like the title, description, due date, and other attributes
  • Delete assignable items: Permanently remove an item from the workspace. Irreversible.
  • Update workspace settings: Change the workspace name, onboarding message, description, image, and other workspace attributes

The term items refers to the following workspace resources:

  • Tasks
  • Lists
  • Boards
  • Projects
  • KPIs
  • Goals
  • Timelines

While Tetheros is in Beta these permissions will remain fairly broad, but will evolve into something more fine-grained over time